Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Yunge's I.B.L
This Prezi is about my I.B.L main question which is: How do whales navigate through the ocean? We researched about our questions and started making them in any way we like. I chose to make it on Prezi because it is easy and exciting for me to use. Hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Yunge's Information Report
Zheng He
Zheng He was a famous chinese sailor in the late 14th and the early 15th century. He has sailed to lots of countries and brought things back which has made China a better place.
Zheng He was born in 1371 in Kunyang, Yunnan, China. His family was a poor muslim family, he was the second son. Zheng He was born with the name Ma He. His name “Ma” means horse.
His Dad was killed in 1381 when Zheng He was only 10. He was taken by the Ming Dynasty’s general, General Fu Youde. When Zheng He was 14, he was assigned as Prince Zhu Di servant who was 25. General Fu Youde’s military assistant at the time was Zhu Di. A couple of years later Ma He and Zhu Di became great friends. They went to all of Zhu Di’s missions from the military together. He also learnt the history and arts of war from Zhu Di. In 1390, he was part of the war against the Mongols.
Ma He was an Eunuch but Ma He wasn’t like the other Eunuchs because he is really big and heavily built so he was really good in the military. He had a military reputation for being a brilliant soldier who was brave. He also had a large commanding presence. Ma He was really loyal to Prince Zhu Di so when Zhu Di seized the throne, he fought loyally for him so Zhu Di trusted him. 1402 was the year when Prince of Yan made Ma He a commander of the military when they went to raid Nanjing. In 1404 Ma He’s name turned to Zheng He because the Emperor appointed the name to him. He got promoted to head Eunuch after he was renamed. This rank is the same as the fourth official ranking.
Zhu Di built a vessel that can hold lots of people and can be used as a trade ship, warship and support boats. He called this fleet of ships the Treasure Fleet. The Emperor promoted Zheng He to Rank 3 so Zheng He could be the commander of this fleet of ships. The greatest voyage at that time in the world was made by Zheng He. Zheng He proved to be an fantastic commander and leader over the next 30 years. He represented the Emperor by travelling all over the world to new countries. Zheng He’s first voyage had 317 ships which held 27,870 people altogether including different people like sailors, clerks, interpreters, soldiers, artisans, medical men and meteorologists. This fleet went along China’s coastline, Java(Modern Day Vietnam) and Sumatra(Modern Day Indonesia). On the way back, it passed the Strait of Malacca and India. 1407 was the year Zheng He and his fleet arrived back in China. The Emperor ordered six more voyages with the Treasure Fleet because the first voyage was very successful. These six voyages happened during the next 30 years. The second voyage was in 1407 straight after he arrived back. In 1409, 1413, 1417, 1421 and 1431 was the years he went on his other voyages.
In 1421, Zheng He was 60 years old but would still go on voyages. This was his seventh and last voyage where he went to the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea and Africa. He died when he was sailing back to China in 1433. He was buried the Muslim custom in the Indian Ocean. He also has a tomb which was honoured to him in Nanjing. The end of Zheng He was also the end of the unprecedented maritime expansion in the 14th and 15th centuries.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Discover a composition on Incredibox!
Discover a composition on Incredibox!
Discover a composition on Incredibox!
Discover a composition on Incredibox!
Paris's Ocean Poem
ParisOur ocean poems used onomatopoeia which means words that name a word that seem like the sound that the word names. Enjoy
Ryan's Ocean Poem
RyanWe used onomatopoeia t create these poems. Onomatopoeia means the word sound like the name of the word. Enjoy
Ryan's Ocean Poem
RyanThese poems use onomatopoeia which means a sound that sounds like the word they name
Paris's Ocean Poem
ParisThese poems use Onomatopoeia which means sounds that sound like the word they name
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Lucys Editorial Writing
Why School Camps Should NOT Be Banned
School camps should not be banned because kids these days need good outdoor experience and sometimes they can conquer fears. Parents say it might be expensive but it is for a good cause.
Parents have been complaining about how much camps cost, well I agree with some prices but what were talking here is school camps. To my point of view the costs of some are ridiculous, Overnight camps cost around $1000.00 per week. School camps cost a little over $200 which is a amazing price range and is for a good cause.
Lots of kids, parents, grandparents and so on have all been to a camp before. This was quoted by a Former Boy Scout,"What I like about camping is you can get really dirty. Either your'e all by yourself , so no one else sees you, or everyone your with is just as dirty as you are so nobody cares." If camps get closed down the future generations won't get the adventure of a life time.
Camps are generally known to bring children together to form strong bonds and create the opportunity of a lifelong skill, Teamwork. Camps provide different activities which allows us children to demonstrate our strengths that the teachers have never seen before. TEAM is the abreviation of Together Everyone Achieves More, it applies to everyone throughout life.
Most children countdown sleeps until their school camps which show adults how excited they are. If school camps end, their will be a whole lot of dissapointment around the country. Camps certainly changes our lifes for the better!
By Lucy
School Camps Are Fun
Why School Camps Should Not Be Banned
I believe that school camps should not be banned because it is amusing, gives outdoor learning and you can do lots of followup work after camp. Plus, instead of learning in a boring way, you get to learn in a entertaining way and you get to try new activities. M.O.E (Ministry Of Education) intends to ban camp but I disagree and here are some reasons on why school cams should not be banned.
School camps should not be banned because you get to learn new skills in life such as team building, problem solving time management and lots of other skills. These skills are really important for you because how do you expect to finish all your work if you don't know how to time manage and how can you solve problems like water leakages, rat infestation and other problems if you don't know how to problem solve.
Another reason for why school camps should not be banned is because you get to try new activities such as horse-riding, building a fire, spotlight and lots of other activities. These activities are really amusing especially for first timers. It will also help experts practice the skills they already know or to train in their specialty so they can compete in international competitions such as the Olympics.
My last reason for why school camps should not be banned is you get to do stuff yourself because Mum isn't there to help you so you get to do your own first aid. You can also take more risks in camp because Mum isn't there to tell on you.
School camps help you learn new skills, try new activities, try fist aid and you get to take more risks. That is why I believe school camps should not be banned.
By Yunge
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Hannahs Editorial Writting
Why Schhol Camps Should NOT be banned
I think School Camps should NOT be banned because, it is a wonderful chance for students to learn out door skills as well as having an outstanding. It also gives them a chance to bond with other students and gives them a break from school. I am definitely against this and think they should NOT be banned.
School Camps are helpful to the students who are less active, due to choosing technology over the outdoors.This provides activity for their brain, but little or no activity for their physical health. This lack of physical activity can lead to laziness in these students and they may not learn various important lessons useful for their daily life.
The cost for your children to go to camp is usually $300 to $400 dollars. From kids that have gone I know that it is definitely worth the money.The money goes to activities, food, accomodation and transport. Compared to staying in a holiday resort, offering the same nights accomodation, activities, food and transport would be substantially late.
Students are able to form relationships with different people in these camps than they would have had the oppurtunity in the school environment. This is one of the best benefits of School Camps.
Overall I defintiely think that School Camps should NOT be banned because it is a amazing learning opppurtunity and experience. Also students have an magnificent time, try new things, face fears, and a whole lot more. So I think this is why they should NOT be banned.
Written by Hannah
Zachs Editorial Writing
Camps Banned... Really
Camp, Survival, Archery, Flying fox. A primary schools dream. Soon the Ministry of Education are going to close school camps. I am clearly against this opinion. Even though school camps are $200 to $300 , camp help kids who don't know how to survive.
When kids go to camp it originates an opportunity to develop there self esteem by offering a unique learning environment that kids don't get in everyday life. Constant activities provide kids with physical movement throughout the whole of camp.
Having a break from computers, ipads, ipods help kids re-discover their real world abilities and find new activities away from a square screen. It also helps them find their real strengths.
Camps give kids opportunities to interact with people who are outside there normal group of friends. This gives them a chance to learn about different cultures and backgrounds.
Camp creates a variety of different opportunities for your kids to learn. Camp even helps kids learn survival skills. In this state I think you know that im obviously against this opinion.
By your Editor Zach
Ling's Editorial Writing
Why School Camps Should Not Be Banned
think school camps should not be banned. They shouldn't be banned because it is an important part of E.O.T.C [Education Outside The Classroom] and kids enjoy it a lot. School camps are considerable because it lets children experience some useful life experiences. It is great for children to be able to learn and enjoy at the same time. The Ministry Of Education are trying to ban school camps.They shouldn't be banned because you get lots of fresh air and lots of opportunities to move instead of sitting down inside. At camp, children spend most of their time being physically active. Running, swimming, climbing!
School camp is great for children because it is well run and safe. At camp, children make new friends, interest and skills. While the children are enjoying themselves themselves they never realize they are learning important life skills, as these programs are designed to be just as much fun as they are beneficial. Going to camp is great because it's a new adventure to be experienced. Have you ever: played lazer tag in the woods, jumped off a 25 foot high ropes platform, jumped on a inflatable device in a pool, or been on the back of a horse? Most would say no. These experiences - done safely - are precious. And when a child conquers a new adventure at camp, they quickly store it away as a reminder of their bravery
I think school camps shouldn't be banned. Children get lots of fresh air, it is well run and safe and its a new adventure to be experienced. School camps are an important part of E.O.T.C [Education Outside The Classroom] and is great for children's education.
By Ling Kong
Mandy's Editorial Writing
School Camps should not be banned!
School camps are a great chance for kids to explore the out doors, thats why l think school camps should not be banned by the Ministry of Education. Even though it costs alot of money it's still a wonderful opportunity to learn differently.
Camp is the perfect place for kids to practice making choices for themselfs without parent and teachers guiding every step, managing their daily choices in the safe enviromment of camp. Camp helps kids' develop who they are.
Coming to camp means joining a community where everyone must agree to coroperate and respect each other. When they live in a room with others they share chores and solve dissagreements. camps build teamwork!
Camp is the place where kids' make their very best friends free from the pressure at school. Camps encourage kids' to relax and make friends easily, all the fun at camp connects everyone together - singing, laughing, playing and almost doing everything, camps create friendship.
All these magnificent reasons can only mean one thing - school camps should not be banned! The Ministry of Education said school camps costs alot of money but it's still worth it after all school camps create friendship, build amazing teamwork, create wonderful friendship and it also encourages kids to be inderpendent. Camps are splendid for kids' and they should not be banned!
By Mandy
Ryan's Editorial Writing
Why School Camps Should Not Be Banned
School camps are always a great hit for kids. This is the perfect opportunity to learn in New Zealand amazing outdoors. The bad thing is, the Ministry of Education is soon going to ban school camps for all of our children. But why shut down these great opportunities for kids? Fantastic learning for all our kids; they have a splendid time. I'm against this ban.
School camps provide kids with a enjoyable outdoor learning experience. Camp staff do all they can to keep our kids safe and healthy, with great food and attention. For kids, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. If it were to be banned, what would kids get? Although it's expensive, it's way worth it. "Why not stop it"? The Board of Trustees would say, though for kids', it's a great experience.
For kids, school camps are a little slice of heaven. Provides experience in the New Zealand outback. Flying Foxes, Archery, the enjoyment is endless for our kiwi kids. Would you rathe your kids stuck in the forest with no experience or with?nIf the Board of Trustees let us keep camps in one place, I would support college, because it's he longest period of schooling years, so more camps for our camps for our kids!
Now compare Yr 0's with Yr 13's. Year 0;s have never been to camp, now never will. Yr 13's have been to camps galore, all around the Auckland region. Yr 13's have had more fun in their lives, then a Yr 0. To make a year memorable, you would need a dozen day trips or a school camp. So, longer or shorter?
So, what side are you on? Do you want your children to have wilderness experience, or not? Have the time of their life? So, with all the ban, it's the worst the Board of Trustees and Ministry of Education could've come up with. I'm strongly against this ban.
By Ryan Nowacki, Editor of the New Zealand Herald
Will's Editorial Writing
School Camps
I think school camps should not be banned because they help kids who aren't so keen on things and to help them live by them selves when they are older and to give them courage to do risky things.
Successful school camps have the power to transform your students in a very short space of time. They provide opportunities for students to live in a shared accommodation, develop social skills and independence. Camps are places were they enjoy them selves and have an amusing time.
all the qualified staff are really experienced so they know how to handle children and to keep them away from the not so safe places in the camp.
Teacher involvement is at the heart of every successful camp so you'll find that the instructors will work closely to support what you're doing with the curriculum. You can expect a warm welcome and plenty of encouragement.
amps should not be banned they help kids with learning about the outer world not being stuck inside, thats why school camps SHOULD NOT BE BANNED.
Why School Camps Shouldn't be Banned
Why School Camps Should't be Banned
School camps can offer plenty of outdoor activities and skills. It costs a lot of money but is worth it.Sadly the Ministry of Education is soon to ban school camps but i'm in opposition to this action.
When kids go to school camp they have a chance to unplug from technology like television, cellphones, video games, and instead get a chance to go on activities like flying foxes, climbing walls and other activities.
Lots of kids today spend most their day inside sitting down. School camp get children up and involved by running, swimming, jumping and hiking.
Coming to camp means joining a close community where everyone must agree to co-operate and respect each other. Where they live in a cabin with others, resolve disagreements and see first hand the importance of sincere communication. (Source:
Going to camp equips children with skills for life like survival skills so I think school camps shouldn't be banned because in the end its beneficial for kids.
By Mason
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Zoe's Editoral Writing!
Why School Camps Shouldn't Be Banned!
It's that week of the year when many kids are excitied, happy and counting down for school camps. I think that its sad if we don't have any school camps because kids learn new things and they enjoy everything. Kids do things that they havn't done before. Parents and teachers say that they have well organised and dedicated tean that provided our school students with memories that they will neaver forget.
Parents and teachers are amazed at there camp site and never wish to leave. Students at there camp have had a chance to participate in a variety of fantastic events that they would have never done before. Also parents are amazed at how the staff is working. School camps are really good because teachers have been blown away at how much the teachers enjoyed the camp, and how much they got from it, they just can;t stand hopw awesome there camp was and thats why we should have school camps.
Kids can;t stop saying thank you for everything about there school camp. Also going to because there school camp was so good teachers are certainly going to be recommending it to other schools. We shouldn't banned school camps because kids can;t speak highly enough of the activties, the staff, the food, the discipline, was great while allowing plenty of amusement time.
We should have school camps, you just can't believe how much fun school camps are. People would be down if we don't have any school camps. Teachers and parents have felt like they have had more fun than the kids have in there awesome school camp!
It's that week of the year when many kids are excitied, happy and counting down for school camps. I think that its sad if we don't have any school camps because kids learn new things and they enjoy everything. Kids do things that they havn't done before. Parents and teachers say that they have well organised and dedicated tean that provided our school students with memories that they will neaver forget.
Parents and teachers are amazed at there camp site and never wish to leave. Students at there camp have had a chance to participate in a variety of fantastic events that they would have never done before. Also parents are amazed at how the staff is working. School camps are really good because teachers have been blown away at how much the teachers enjoyed the camp, and how much they got from it, they just can;t stand hopw awesome there camp was and thats why we should have school camps.
Kids can;t stop saying thank you for everything about there school camp. Also going to because there school camp was so good teachers are certainly going to be recommending it to other schools. We shouldn't banned school camps because kids can;t speak highly enough of the activties, the staff, the food, the discipline, was great while allowing plenty of amusement time.
We should have school camps, you just can't believe how much fun school camps are. People would be down if we don't have any school camps. Teachers and parents have felt like they have had more fun than the kids have in there awesome school camp!
Karen's Editorial Writing
Why School Camps Shouldn't Be Banned
It has come to the time where school camps are introduced. Where kids get excited and parents start to struggle with the cost. But sadly the Ministry of Education is soon going to ban school camps. I think that learning in classrooms is okay but learning outside is BETTER.
School camps may cost a lot, but at least parents get four days of peace and quite. Kids will be spending stunning time playing, meeting new friends and of course learning. Parents are probably thinking " how will kids learn when they're at camp?' Well the answer is YES, they will learn lots of things such as creating a camp fire, how to build a tent and lot more.
Camps are not only fantastic, but they're educational. How is school camps educational you ask? Well life is like a adventure, if you don't gain experience, you end up taking if the hard way. Once you child grows up, she'll/he'll look back and hopefully you child will say "what a amazing time I had at camp." Plus if you always wanted your child to be independent, now is your chance.
If your child had always wanted to achieve something or master a skill, let them learn it, because when they grow up they will come head to head to a difficult activity, but if they went to camp they will gain experience about how it felt like using a dunny, riding a horse.ect. Plus, if they do know all the activities, it's a lot easier to bond with them.
So basically what I wanted to say is please don't ban school camps. Yes, it can get quite expensive, but it's worth the money, because kids will be meeting new friends, having a great time. If school camps are banned, it will make a complete difference to the world and most important, how the kids feel.
By Karen
Monday, 8 April 2013
Gill's Editorial Writing
Why School camps Shouldn't be Banned
When schools start camps, that is the time that parents struggle to pay for their children's camp fees which cost hundreds of dollars. Kids are always thrilled by the time camp is mentioned at their schools;although, the Ministry Of Education is tragically going to ban school camps due to the costly price.
At first, I'd happen to think that a school camp is possibly the best outdoor experience a child could ever have. Kids are able to get as much Vitamin D as they need and get lots of exercise At camps, you are able to do what you usually wouldn't get to do every day. It's really disappointing to hear that school camps are planned to be banned.
Kids are able to spend their time being physically active outdoors instead of spending their time on gaming consoles, computers, or devices. Also, camps improve the outdoor education of teenagers, and kids. Camp provides a wonderful opportunity to move around and have fun.
Camps gain: Independence, Leadership, Friendships and an Environmental bond.Children become more adventurous and determined to try new things. School camps also develop social skills which help to make new friends. If there was no camp, there would no longer be the best outdoor experience for the next generation of kids.
So do you really want to end school camps for your children's outdoor education? Think about what it would be like without camps for kids. I'd happen to disagree with this awful plan of banning school camps. Think about the children...
By Gill
The Breakouts Dance!
In Room 7 the Kona reading group has been inventing a new type of dance called the breakout. We read a book called Dances of the World. It contained the Polka Dance, Bharata Natyam, Ghawazi, Haka and the Indigenous Australian Dance. We all had to compose our own dance and our own name.We made a blurb and this is how it goes; If you want a funky groove come and watch the breakouts moves. Add a little hip hop add a little jazz put it together and you get pizzazz. Come and watch the breakouts They are exhilarating to watch and to do.
The song is slow with a catchy beat, it gets you off your seat, it overights your mind by making it unwind. Everyone can dance everyone can sing everyone can have a little bit of bling. In the dance it includes Lucy, Amanda ,Holly, Jasmin and was filmed by Zoe.We worked hard, so I hope you enjoy it! Thank you
The Kona group
Thursday, 4 April 2013
In class, the Kona reading group was split into two groups, for our activity, our group had to make an ad and the other group had to make up their own dance.
We all had different parts; Alex was camera-man, Jordan was the host, I was the statue holding the jar of jellybeans, Lucas was holding a sign and Luc was a boy.
First we had to decide on what we were going to advertise, then we had to write the script and choose the parts. We made our own Jellybean Club song which is a parody of Robbie Williams chorus of 'Candy'.
By Ling
Monday, 18 March 2013
Sunday, 17 March 2013
James's Camp Highlights.
SPLASH! muddy water on my face
Group 8 Dinner Challenge
Group 8 at low ropes
Its so hot in here!
Dont fall off!
Group 8 Dinner Challenge
Group 8 at low ropes
Its so hot in here!
Dont fall off!
Grace, Star, and Andes are
going across the Bouldering Wall!!!

At survival there was a challenge called the ping pong
challenge where you had too get the ping pong ball
out of the tube by filling the holes with dry mud
group nine won!!!
At survival we had to cook our own dinner with our camp groups group nine made mini meet balls and mince, potato chips and rice it was really nice and Mr Mac was the judge.
going across the Bouldering Wall!!!

This is the lake wood lodge sign it is on a grassy hill!!!
Grace is at the top of the Climbing Wall it is 11meters tall it was really
scary when i got to the top i was a bit nervous!!!
At survival there was a challenge called the ping pong
challenge where you had too get the ping pong ball
out of the tube by filling the holes with dry mud
group nine won!!!
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