Tuesday 16 April 2013

Hannahs Editorial Writting

Why Schhol Camps Should NOT be banned

I think School Camps should NOT be banned because, it is a wonderful chance for students to learn out door skills as well as having an outstanding. It also gives them a chance to bond with other students and gives them a break from school. I am definitely against this and think they should NOT be banned.

School Camps are helpful to the students who are less active, due to choosing technology over the outdoors.This provides activity for their brain, but little or no activity for their physical health. This lack of physical activity can lead to laziness in these students and they may not learn various important lessons useful for their daily life.

The cost for your children to go to camp is usually $300 to $400 dollars. From kids that have gone I know that it is definitely worth the money.The money goes to activities, food, accomodation and transport. Compared to staying in a holiday resort, offering the same nights accomodation, activities, food and transport would be substantially late.

Students are able to form relationships with different people in these camps than they would have had the oppurtunity in the school environment. This is one of the best benefits of School Camps.

Overall I defintiely think that School Camps should NOT be banned because it is a amazing learning opppurtunity and experience. Also students have an magnificent time, try new things, face fears, and a whole lot more. So I think this is why they should NOT be banned.
Written by Hannah

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